Publication Details

ScTACE 2021 provides an opportunity for young students, academicians, researchers, industry persons, etc., to have a clear benefit to their career by publicizing their works with publication in Scopus or SCI Journals/ Proceedings. Upon considering the crises of the pandemic and the economical stats, ScTACE 2021 has set its bounds towards nominal pricing and the further details are stated below.

1.1 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering - Springer (Scopus/Web of Science Indexed)

Registration Fee: The registration fee for a paper opting for publication with SPRINGER is,

Early bird: 2200 INR

Regular: 2500 INR

Late: 2750 INR

Article Processing Charges: : There are no additional APC for SPRINGER.

Terms & Conditions:

• The papers submitted to ScTACE 2021, under the publication with SPRINGER, will be peer-reviewed & plagiarism will be checked by the Conference Review Committee (CRC) of ScTACE 2021.

• Papers accepted by CRC will be eligible for submission to SPRINGER, where further verification exercises for additional quality control of the manuscript as it may decide at its sole discretion by the SPRINGER, including through the use of plagiarism checking systems and/or peer review by internal or external reviewers of its choice. If the SPRINGER decides at its sole discretion that the final manuscript does not conform in quality, content, structure, level, or form to the stated requirements of SPRINGER, the paper might get rejected at any tenure.

• ScTACE 2021 is responsible only until CRC is reviewing the paper and once it is into SPRINGER’s verification, ScTACE 2021 does not hold responsibility for rejection.

• The charges collected for publication with SPRINGER is the registration fee (non-refundable) for presenting the paper at the conference of ScTACE 2021 and there are no article processing charges for SPRINGER and it is free of cost.

1.2 AIP Proceedings - Elsevier (Scopus/ Web of Science Indexed)

Registration Fee: The registration fee for a paper opting for publication with AIP Proceedings is as stated in the table given at the end of the document

Article Processing Charges: : The APC for AIP Proceedings is 10,000 INR (140$)

Terms & Conditions:

• The papers submitted to ScTACE 2021, under the publication with AIP, will be peer-reviewed & plagiarism will be checked by the Conference Review Committee (CRC) of ScTACE 2021.

• Papers accepted by CRC will be eligible for submission to AIP Proceedings for its publication.

• Authors need to pay the registration fee (as per the table) + APC of 10,000 INR (140$) for publication with AIP Proceedings once they receive confirmation of acceptance from CRC of ScTACE 2021.

1.3 * Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (Scopus Indexed)
* International Journal of Quality Research (Scopus/ Web of Science Indexed/ ESCI)
* International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation (Google Scholar, Crossref, research gate)

Registration Fee: The registration fee for a paper opting for publication with any above-mentioned journal is as stated in the table given at the end of the document

Article Processing Charges: : The APC for any above-mentioned journal will be informed once the paper gets acceptance from the chosen journal.

Terms & Conditions:

• The papers submitted to ScTACE 2021, under the publication with any above-mentioned journal, will be peer-reviewed & plagiarism will be checked by the Conference Review Committee (CRC) of ScTACE 2021.

• Papers accepted by CRC will be eligible for submission to the chosen journal, where further verification will be carried out by the respective journals.

• Authors need to pay the registration fee (as per the table) + APC of the chosen journal (will be intimated once the paper is accepted by the journal).


• Registration fee is mandatory for any publication and should be paid as soon as the paper gets acceptance from the Conference Review Committee (CRC) of ScTACE 2021.

• For AIP Proceedings aforementioned in the clause 1.2, both the registration fee and APC has to be paid after getting confirmation of acceptance from the Conference Review Committee (CRC) of ScTACE 2021.

• For the journals aforementioned in the clause 1.3, the article processing charges can be paid only after getting acceptance of publication from the respective journals.

• Only after payment of the registration fee & confirmation with ScTACE 2021, the papers will be submitted for further process to the chosen journals/ proceedings (This is applicable for publications of clauses 1.1 & 1.3)

• For the papers choosing AIP Proceedings, it is mandatory to pay both registration fee and APC; only then the papers will be submitted to AIP for further process of publication.


CATEGORY OF DELEGATES EARLY BIRD (30/08/21) REGULAR (18/09/21) LATE (After 18/09/21)
International Student Delegates 15 USD 17 USD 19 USD
International Delegates From Research Organizations & Academic Institutions 22 USD 24 USD 26 USD
International Delegates From Industry 28 USD 30 USD 32 USD
International Listeners 7 USD 10 USD 14 USD
National Student Delegates 1000 INR 1200 INR 1350 INR
National Delegates From Research Organizations & Academic Institutions 1500 INR 1700 INR 1850 INR
National Delegates From Industry 2000 INR 2200 INR 2350 INR
National Listeners 500 INR 700 INR 1000 INR

NOTE:The above mentioned detailing in the table is applicable for journals / proceedings other than SPRINGER.

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