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CATEGORY OF DELEGATES EARLY BIRD (30/08/21) REGULAR (18/09/21) LATE (After 18/09/21)
International Student Delegates 15 USD 17 USD 19 USD
International Delegates From Research Organizations & Academic Institutions 22 USD 24 USD 26 USD
International Delegates From Industry 28 USD 30 USD 32 USD
International Listeners 7 USD 10 USD 14 USD
National Student Delegates 1000 INR 1200 INR 1350 INR
National Delegates From Research Organizations & Academic Institutions 1500 INR 1700 INR 1850 INR
National Delegates From Industry 2000 INR 2200 INR 2350 INR
National Listeners 500 INR 700 INR 1000 INR
  • Nominal registration fee is mandate and atleast one author must register, pay the appropriate registration fee.
  • Invoice will be sent through Procedia Conference Managing System for the participants registered to present papers.
  • Invoice will be sent through Mail for the participants registered as listeners.
  • NOTE: The aforementioned registration fee is not applicable for the authors choosing publication with SPRINGER. For futher details, refer to "PUBLICATION".


  • Mode of payment and further details will be sent to the Accepted Abstracts through mail.
  • Further details will be sent to the category of listeners as well through mail

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